What is WiFi Link and why is it important?

What is WiFi Link: WiFi Link is a feature in The MeatStick App (available in iOS 14 and later) that extends the range of your MeatStick by connecting it to the internet. This gives you complete flexibility and control, allowing you to monitor your cooking progress from any distance.

How WiFi Link Works: Normally, The MeatStick has a range of about 33 ft (10 m) in open-air. However, this range can be reduced by obstacles like walls or radio interference. WiFi Link helps you overcome these limitations by using an additional smart device to transmit data from your MeatStick to The MeatStick Cloud.

With WiFi Link, you can monitor your cooking progress even if you're far from the cooking area.

Setting Up WiFi Link:

To use WiFi Link effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Get a second smart device with internet access.

  2. Download The MeatStick App on both devices.

  3. Log in to the same user account on both devices.

  4. Place the second device within 3 ft (1 m) of The MeatStick.

Using WiFi Link makes it easier to keep track of your cooking, no matter where you are.

If you don't want to use a second device, consider getting a WiFi Bridge for an easier setup.

Last updated